励志的句子 · 范文大全


栏目: 高一英语课件

2024-03-09 12:38

【#范文大全# #2024高一英语课件#】励志的句子编辑筛选出来的这篇“高一英语课件”文章绝对值得你一看,给你建议试试看或许可以改变你的想法。教案课件在老师少不了一项工作事项,写教案课件是每个老师每天都在从事的事情。教案是教师发挥教育智慧的重要方式之一。


Period 1

I. Teaching Aims:

1. Review the Simple Present Passive Voice and to learn the Present Continuous Passive Voice

It is used for…/ It is being used for…

2. Develop the students’ listening skill by creating an information gap and stimulating their desire to discover things

II. Important points:

1.Words and expressions

2. The Moral Focus: Creative Thinking

III. Difficult points:

the Present Continuous Passive Voice

what ever, where ever, however, whenever, whoever

the usage about dare

IV. Teaching Aids:

A tape recorder, a toothpick, gloves, a sock, a plastic bag , pictures or objects of some daily things like chopsticks, a cell phone, a CD player, a MP3, a computer, a refrigerator, a mirror, a satellite receiver etc.

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Talk about something that is seemingly common and trigger the students to discover something unique by observing carefully and thinking lively.

Create a proper learning environment and get the students geared for the oncoming classroom activities


Present objects: a toothpick, a sock and a plastic bag

Provoke the students’ thinking by encouraging them to think of the new uses of the above objects

Be ready to accept any offered answers

Try to involve as many students as possible

Step 2 Pre-listening

1. Show pictures of some daily things including one or two but not all of the objects that are to be described

2. Prepare the students for the listening by encouraging them to discover what are being described

Step 3 Listening and Identifying

1. Listen to the tape and identify what is being described.

2. Talk about the possible uses of the described things.

3. Ring a bell to the Simple Present Passive Voice

Step 4 Talking and Guessing

Group work

Divide the whole class into several groups

Think about the objects we use in our daily life.

Describe two or three of the objects to the other groups and see if they can guess what you are describing.

Remember not to make it too easy to guess

Take turns to do the describing and guessing

Use the following structures and questions to help with the description and guessing

It is used for….

It can be found….

It is often seen….

They are made of(from)…

This thing can be put ….

What does it look like? What is it used for?

What is it made of? Who usually uses it?

How do people use it? How does it work?

When is it used? Where do you usually see it ?

Step 5 A Discussion

1. Work in groups of six

2.Discuss about the good impact of one of these things.

3.Each group member contributes some notes to the reporter of the group

4.Report to the whole class

Step 6 Listening in WB

Listen to the tape and fill in the information chart below.

Compare the information with the partner

Step 7 Pair work

Work in pairs.

Look at the space projects below and decide which one is the most useful.

Put “1” in front of the most useful project and “5” in front of the least useful.

Compare answers with the other pairs and explain your choices

Step 8 Summary

Summarize the good impact of all the things described and mentioned.

Think about the potential problems with the things described and mentioned

Suggest solutions to the problems


Prepare for the talking part in Wb

Period 2

I. Teaching Aims:

Learn phrases and sentences of expressing agreement and disagreement (Absolutely. /That’s exactly what I was thinking. /That’s a good point./ That’s just how I see it./ That’s worth thinking about./ I disagree. /I’m afraid I don’t agree. /Well, it depends. /Well, I don’t know. /Well, I am not sure about that…)

II. Important points:

1. words and expressions

2. To learn how to state one’s points clearly.

3. Moral Focus: Communication and Cooperation

III. Difficult points:

1. Useful expressions for agreement and disagreement

2. Learn the art of persuading

IV. Teaching Aids:

a set of multi-media teaching system, some episodes from Family Album, USA and Mr Bean, some role cards…a toothpick, a sock, a plastic bag , chopsticks, a cell phone etc.…

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Draw the students’ attention by identifying the following statements.

1. The word “boat” can be spelled using four letters from the word “automobile”.

2. 11minutes past 5 o’clock is 48 minutes before 6 o’clock.

3. If you turn a left-handed glove inside out , it will fit on a right hand?

Step 2 Problem Solving

1. Discuss in groups of three about the possible problems with things mentioned the previous day

Examples: chopsticks, car, air-conditioner etc.

2. Provide solutions to all these problems and share opinions with other groups

3.Tolerate different opinions from other groups

Step 3 Listening and Speaking

1.Describe one or two of the teacher’s stressful situations

2. Encourage students to give solutions

3.Exchange ideas with other students

Step 4 Speaking and Acting

Discuss about Jane’s problem and express opinions

Jane wants to buy a cellphone. Before she buys one, she asks her parents and her best friend what they think.

Work in groups of four

Decide which role each group member should play

Take a few minutes to prepare the role cards

Report your decision to the class when you have finished the discussion

Step 5 Looking and Learning

1.Watch some episodes from Family Album, USA and Mr Bean


2. Recognize more ways of expressing opinions

( Oh, I do so agree. Absolutely right. Definitely. I guess so. I can’t agree with you there. Not really. Not exactly. No way….)

Step 6 Describing and Deciding

1. Encourage the students to disclose their problems by asking

What troubles you most?

What is your problem?

What is your worry?

What upsets you?…

2. Get them to know where to find help by asking

To whom do you usually turn for help?

Where can your problems be possibly solved?

Who can most probably serve as a helper?

(Possible answers: Psychology Center, Hotline Service, Chatting Room, A Radio or TV Chitchat Programs…)

Step 7 Thinking and Judging

Lead the students gradually to the Unit Topic Technology by asking

What do you know about technology?

Why does the government pay so much attention to the development of technology?

Why is technology so important to people’s life?

In what way has it changed or improved people’s life?…


Profound understanding the positive effect of technology on individuals, nations and even the whole globe by surfing the internet and collecting related information

Hunt for caring stories hailed by technology and share the stories with other students in the next class.

Period 3

I. Teaching Aims:

1. To have a general understanding of how technology has changed the way people live

2.To get a rough idea of the Present Continuous Passive Voice

II. Important points:

1. Words and expressions

2. Present Continuous Passive Voice

3. the Moral Focus: Love & Caring

III. Teaching Aids: a tape recorder, the multimedia teaching system, etc.

IV. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up


Students’ description of some new inventions accompanied with photos downloaded from the internet

Step 2 Story Sharing

1. Share the caring stories hailed by technology

2. Comment on such stories

Step 3 Presentation

1. Comments on the great impact brought by technology and life in a technological time

2. Discuss these questions with a partner before reading

Have you ever used a cell phone? Do any of your classmates have cell phones?

How is the way we live today different from life in the past?

How have inventions and new technology changed our way of life?

Why are things like cell phones, computers and TV so popular?

What invention do you think is the most important in the human history?

Step 4 Pre-reading

Read the headline and guess the meaning of “Life on the Go”.

What information do you expect to find in the text?


Which country does the girl in the passage come from? How do you know?

What is the other example that is being used to support the idea?

Step 5 Reading

Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions

What new invention is being discussed?

What kind of people are being talked about in this passage?

Read the whole text for through understanding and fill out the outline of the text

An Outline of the Text

Wang Mei is an example of Chinese teenagers who have cell phones.

Cell phones can be used for many things.

For Example:__________________________________________

Cell phones also cause problems.

In school___________________________________

At home____________________________________

There are several reasons why teenagers like cell phones.




Wang Mei explains why she likes her cell phone and what she uses it for.

Step 6 Post-reading

Answer the following questions.

Why do some schools not let students use cell phones? Do you agree?

Why do teenagers like cell phones so much?

Wang Mei says that cell phones are the most useful inventions ever. Do you agree?

Which invention do you think is the most useful? Why?

What does the title “Life on the go” mean?

What is the writer’s attitude toward this problem? How do you know?

Step 7 An Activity

Find out how many students have phones in the class

Interview one of them and find out what his or her phone is like. These questions may help you do the interview

What type of phone do you have?

When and where did you buy it?

Who gave you the financial support?

Why do you want to have a phone?

What is your parents’ opinion?…..

Describe the phone and explain the reasons to the whole class

Step 8 A Project

Design your own cell phone. You work for a company that makes cell phones. Your manager wants you to design a new model to increase the sales among Chinese high school students. Work in groups and draw your model.

Advertise your model

These questions may help you do the job

What colour is it?

What size is it?

What shape is it?

What material is it made from?

What features does it have?

How much will it cost?

Let the students make their own choices with reasons available


Review the words and expressions we have just learned.

Period 4

I. Teaching Aims:

1. To encourage the students to pick out the useful phrases on their own like throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool etc..

2.To fulfill Word Study in the form of a Memory Competition press teenager remind dare emergency dial obey throughout calendar

3.To enable the students to formulate the rules of the Present Continuous Passive Voice ,test out the rules and finally refine their interlanguage

II. Important points:

1. Words and expressions

2. the comprehension of the intergrating skills text.

III. Difficult points:

Practising and using the Present Continuous Passive Voice

IV. Teaching Aids: A tape recorder, a cassette etc.

V. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Word Game

Work in pairs and make new words

How many words can you make by moving the sides of the box?






Step 2 Presentation

Listen to the text again and enable the students to pick out on their own useful words , phrases and sentences

Useful Words Useful Phrases Useful Sentences

emergency stay in touch with sb New functions are being added to the phones

… … …

Talk about the reasons why these words, phrases and sentences are worth their attention

Step 3 Word Study

Match the words and phrases with the meaning on the right

(See Word Study, page 61 )

A Memory Competition

Books closed.

Two Groups Group 1: Girls Group 2: Boys

Two boys and two girls act as secretaries

The group which gets more guesses wins.

Step 4 Grammar

Read the text again and try to identify the sentences that have the similar structure

Words and images are being sent throughout the world.

They are being used as cameras and radios, and to sent e-mail or surf the internet.

New functions are being added to the phones….

Let the students formulate the rules of the Present Continuous Passive Voice through careful observation

Step 5 Pair Work

Test out the rules and get feedback through peer interaction by putting the following into the Present Continuous Passive Voice and change the following sentences into questions, using the Present Continuous Passive Voice (see page 61)

Step 6 An Interview

After studying in the new school for a couple of months, you come across some problems with both your study and your life. In your opinion, the school should put more money in improving both the classroom facilities and dormitory facilities. Therefore, you go to see the headmaster and talk about your personal problems or even complaints.

An Interview

One student act as the headmaster and the other as the student suffering from the problems. The interview takes place in the Headmaster’s office.

Hopefully the student can use such structures as

I am being given too much homework.

We are always being highly controlled by the teachers

Not enough opportunities are being offered to us students

At night, I am frequently being disturbed by the noise from the nearby construction site. …

Personal opinions are to be concluded:

More teaching facilities are being needed

Air conditioners should be added to the dorm in case of hot and humid weather.

A telephone and a computer are also needed…

. Review the expressions of agreement and disagreement

Step 7 Writing

Write a letter to the Headmaster describing the heavy burden given by the school and complaining about the poor studying and living conditions. Personal opinions and suggested solutions are supposed to be included

Put your letter in the Headmaster’s Letter Box


Finish Part 1&2, p136 in WB

Period 5

I. Teaching Aims:

1. To impress the students with the great impact of technology

2.To use the words and phrases to describe things

(press, teenager, remind, dare, emergency, dial, obey, throughout, calendar, throughout the world, stay in touch with sb., call for help, in case of emergency, have fun, be cool….) To think about the problems caused by technology

II. Teaching Aids:

A cellphone, pictures of a robot and computer, the multi-media teaching system, etc.

III. Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Enjoy some well-selected MTVs

Comments on the producing of these MTVs and the use of new technology

Impress the students with the great impact of technology by displaying Hi-tech achievements.

Ask the students to imagine the future inventions

Step 2 Language Input

Read the passage and think what is missing in this future world?

Imagine that you are one of the students chosen to solve the problem. Write a letter to Q 12 in which you explain love and friendship. Remember that Q12 is a computer that does not understand how human beings feel and what human life is like. Tell Q12 about how we think, how we feel about each other, and try to give examples of love and friendship

Tell your classmates about the examples that you are going to use

A Letter to Q12 Love is the Everlasting Topic of the World. The following may help you with the writing

Step 3 A Design

Work in groups of five.

Work out some regulations for the communities to keep the teenagers away from the Cyber Cafe.

Step 4 Tips for reading

Learn to become a smart reader

Look at page 63 and read these tips. Help the students get better ways in dealing with reading comprehensions.

Step 5 Talking

Modern technology helps us do many of the things we want to do. But technology can also cause problems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology?

Work together with your partner. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of the following inventions.

Items Advantages Disadvantages

Cellphones 1.Cellphones help us keep in touch with friends and family.

… 1.Using a cellphone is expensive.

2.Overusing it may disturb our work.

Robots … …

Computers … …

Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology with the help of the lists.


Finish off the Wb exercises of this unit.

Go over the whole unit and the grammar focus.


Type of lesson: Word study

Teaching Contents: Vocabulary: thrill, educate, divide, prevent, risk and it seems/ed.

Teaching Aims:Help the students grasp the usages and meanings of the above words or phrases.

Teaching procedures:

Step I . Present the words to be learned to the students.

Ask the students to discuss in group and get the meanings of the underlined words or phrases

1. Many people come to theme park looking for thrills and entertainment.

2. A good example of a theme park that both educates and entertains is Ocean Park in Hong Kong.

3. The park is divided into two sections.

4. It seems that people just cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures.

5. New technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury.

6. He cut off the electricity quickly and prevented an accident.

Step II: Learn each word in detail

1. thrill

Ask the Ss to read the following sentences and match the underlined words with their proper meanings.

1) The magic of his music continues to thrill audiences.

2) Although Mary has been acting for years, she still get a thrill out of going on the stage.

3) Stories of adventure thrilled him.

A. To give great pleasure to; delight.

B. To cause to quiver, tremble, or vibrate.

C. A sudden strong feeling of excitement and pleasure.

Practice: complete the following sentences.


1) The travelers ___________________ his stories. (thrilled us with)


2) It ____________________ to know I had passed the examination. (gave me a thrill/ is a great thrill for me)

2. educate

Ask the Ss to read the sentences and discuss the meanings and usages of “educate” in a group of 4.

1) educate sb: 教育,指导某人

School teachers educate children.

2) educate oneself自学,自修

Some children educate themselves because their parents can’t afford them to the school.

3) educate sb about/ on sth 就。。。对。。。进行教育,指导

The campaign will educate the public about the dangers of smoking.

4) be educated for... 为特定目的而提供知识或进行训练,培训

I was educated for an English teacher.

Ask Ss to translate the following phrases.

①自学, 自修educate oneself

②受大学教育; 上大学be educated at [in] a college

③培养音乐兴趣educate one's taste in music

④攻读法律be educated for the law.

⑤大学教a college education.

3. divide

1) 分开;划分(常与in, into连用)

Let's divide ourselves into several groups.

This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.

2) 分开把…跟别的东西分开;分离:divide... from...

The teacher divided the boys from the girls for gym class.

3) 分,分食 (常与out连用)

“Children, divide the cake up between / among you.”

4) 除

15 divided by 3 is 5.

Three will not divide into eleven.

5) 使意见不合;使不和

Please don't let such a small matter divide us.

On some minor points members of the committee divide with one another.


4. prevent

1) To keep from happening: 预防使防止发生:

It is the job of the police to prevent crime.

The government took steps to prevent the strike.

2) v. intr. To present an obstacle: 阻挠,阻止呈现出阻碍:

There will be a picnic if nothing prevents.

3)stop or hinder(常与from连用)阻止;制止;妨碍

We were prevented by heavy smog from seeing anything.

What prevented you from joining us last night?

4) To come before; proceed. 在…之前在…之前来;先于

Tom’s study always prevents his peers.

Practice: make up sentences according to the given key words and pictures.

Possible answers:

1) Your prompt action prevented a serious accident.

2) Italy famous football flayer Barkier has a leg injury that may prevent him from playing in tomorrow’s game.

3) Class 2’s basketball players tried their best to prevent us from winning.

5. risk

v. Ask the Ss to observe the following sentences and discuss the usage of risk.

1) risk sth

You should not have risked the confrontation with the government.

His action risked a sharp reprisal.

2) risk doing sth

Are you prepared to risk traveling without an guard?

Although he risked getting caught in a storm, Jim kept the appointment on time.

3) risk sth on sth

You’d be crazy to risk your money on an investment like that.

Tom’s Dad is a gambler. He once risked everything on a single throw.

4) risk one’s life

He risked his life when he saved the child from the river.

Martina risked her life to save her dog from the fire.

n. Ask the Ss to translate the risk-phrases in the following sentences.

1) He took a risk when he crossed the old bridge.

2) The firm’s reputation is at risk.

3) Anyone traveling without a passport runs a risk of being arrested.

4) At the risk of sounding stupid, can I ask a simple question?

5) You leave your wallet in the classroom at your own risk.


Complete the following blanks using what we learned about “risk”.

Last summer vacation, Xiao Ming _________________ (独自冒险旅行)to the Huang Long Virgin Forest. Before his journey, he told his plan to his parents. Xiao Ming’s Dad agreed with him and said: “Being a man, we should ___________(冒险)to become stronger.” But, his mother was worried about him, because she thought Xiao Ming was too young to travel the virgin forest alone and he just____________.(冒生命危险)

Xiao Ming explained his plan and said he had been well prepared. He wouldn’t _________(处于危险中). At last Mum gave in and said: “OK. Be well prepared! Once you are in danger, do call the police and us for help. ”

Three days later, Xiao Ming came back home safely. Although Tom was very tired, he said to his parents: “___________________.(这值得冒险)”

Possible answers:

risked traveling alone, take a risk , risked his life ,

be at risk. It’s worth the risk

6. It seems/seemed...

Ask the Ss to read following sentences and discuss the sentence pattern.

1) it seems that...

It seems to me that it will snow.

It seemed that he was ill. So I called in the doctor.

2) it seems as if/ like / though...

It seems as if it is going to rain.

“At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.”

3) ...seem + adj.

He seems quite happy.

Mary didn’t seem very sure about tomorrow’s exam.

4) sb/sth seems/ed to be/do/ have done

Danger seems to attend everything they have tried.

I seemed to hear a voice in the distance.

Practice: use “seem” to make up as many sentences as you can according to the pictures.




Choose the following words or phrases and use their proper forms to fill in the blanks: admire...for..., thrill, educate, divide...into..., base...on..., prevent, risk and it seems/ed.

Ocean Park Hong Kong

Ocean Park, situated on the southern side of Hong Kong Island, is one of the world’s acclaimed _________ theme parks covering more than 870,000 square meters of land. With 24 years of history, Ocean Park has established itself as one of the major tourist attractions in Hong Kong and Asia. Aside from entertainment through _______ rides and a wide variety of shows, the park _____________ its education and conservation programmers.

Ocean Park is divided into two sections: the Headland and Lowland. At the Headland, the visitors can ______ its many rides including the Crazy Galleon, Flying Swing, Raging River, space wheel, and so on. Another attraction is Dolphin Aquarium. Unlike some aquarium where the visitors ____________________ touching the dolphins, it allows the visitors to dive and play with the dolphins. ________________ people just can’t get enough entertainment and education in Ocean Park.

Possible answers:

educational, thrill, is based on, risk,

are prevented from, It seems that




























作者:贺 莉

Teaching plan for SB1A Unit 9 Technology

Teaching goals: Talk about science and technology

Describe things and how they work

Express agreement and disagreement

Use the present Continuous Passive Voice

Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology

Write a letter to Q12 about love and friendship

Time arrangement:

Period 1 Warming up, listening, speaking

Period 2 Pre-reading, reading, post-reading

Period 3 Intensive reading

Period 4 Language study

Period 5 Integrating skills

Period 6 Workbook (Talking and Reading)

Period 7 Test

Period one ( listening and speaking )

Warming up

Step I Brainstorming about Technology

1. Is technology important to us? What will you think of when talking about technology?

2. What qualities shall we have if we want to have advanced technology?

( to be creative , good at solving problems and thinking in new ways )

Step II Activity

( Bring the items of a toothpick, plastic bag and left-handed glove if possible)

(Hold a competition of creativity among groups of students if necessary)

1. Students work in groups to solve the problems

2. Compare different solutions and talk about creativity.


Step I Introduction

1. Describe an everyday object for Ss to guess. (color/ size/ shape/ use etc.)

Step II listening

1. First-listening: what is being described?

2. Second-listening: what can the things be used for?

3. Discussion in pairs: what are the new uses for the objects in addition to the “normal” uses?

Step III A riddle-guessing competition

1. Read the instruction and the guided questions

2 Do a demonstration with a student.

Teacher: You seem to have something in your pocket. What does it look like?

Student: It looks like … ….

T: What is it made of ?

S: It’s made of …….

T: What is it used for ?

S: … … …

3 Ss practice in pairs

4 Competition--- Who can guess it ?

One student thinks of or hides an object in his pocket, while the rest raise questions to guess what it is.


Step I Brainstorming

1. Present the situation

2. Brainstorming about the advantages and disadvantages about cellphones

Step II Expressions of agreement and disagreement

Teach new expressions

1) Absolutely= Definitely= Exactly

2) It depends.

3) That’s a good point.

4) That’s worth thinking about.

Step III Activity

1. Ss works in groups and prepare a role play.

2. Ss present their dialogues.

3. Debate: Players from different groups debate the advantages and disadvantages of a cellphone.

Homework: 1. Listening : Workbook P133 Listening Ex 1&2

2. Speaking: Interview your parents the way of life 30 years ago ( Were there telephones , TVs or computers ? )

3. Thinking : P60 Ex 3 Design your cellphone--- to be creative!

Period Two ( extensive reading )


Check the listening homework on page 133.


Step I Discussion (Question 2 of Pre-reading )

1. Check the speaking homework of interview

How did people live 30 years ago?

What did people do at night without electricity?

How have inventions and new technology changed our way of life?

2. Talk about the title---Life on the go

Life on the go refers to a fast-paced lifestyle where people are always on the go---rushing from one place to another, doing many things at once, and using cellphones, computers, etc.


Step I Presentation

1. Talk about the cellphone and present the new vocabulary.

( Ask Ss to bring cellphones of different brands to class if possible)

Questions: What functions does a cellphone have?

What features does your cellphone have? etc.

Vocabulary: function, feature, image, an electronic calendar, remind ,appointment

2. The top question:

Why are cellphones so popular with teenagers according to the passage?

Step II Reading

1. Skimming for the top question.

2. Some T or F statements to check the general understanding of the passage.

3. Scanning for the main idea of each paragraph, comparing general statement and specific statement. ( Post-reading Ex 2 on Page 60 )

Step III Activity

1. Discussion in pairs ( Post-reading Ex 1 on Page 60 ).

2. Design your own cellphone in groups.

Homework: 1. Read the text after the tape, marking the difficulties.

2. Reading comprehension: WB page 136.

Period Three ( intensive reading )


Revise the text .

Language points


1. depend v. dependent adj. independent adj.

1) That depends. = It depends. = I’m not completely sure.

2) depend on 依赖,信任,取决于

e.g. His family depends on him.

We’re depending on you to finish the job by Friday.

Happiness often depends on your attitude to life.

2. add v.

1) 增加, 相加, 补充说

e.g. Add a few more names to the list.

If you add 5 and 3 you get 8.

I should like to add that we are pleased with the result.

2) add to = to increase something

e.g. The rise in electricity costs has added to our difficulties.

3) add up to = amount to

e.g. These numbers add up to 100.

3. remind v.

remind sb to do sth.

of sth.

that –clause

e.g. Remind me to write to Dave.

This hotel reminds me of the one we stayed in last year.

She reminded me that Sue was in Paris.

4. touch n.

get in touch with sb. lose touch with sb.

stay in touch with be in touch with

keep in touch with be out of touch with

5. call v.

call for = to demand sth. , to collect sb.

call at some place = visit some place

call on sb. = to visit sb., to ask sb. to do sth.

call in = to ask sb. to come in{

e.g. Students are calling for more spare time and less homework.

I'll call for you at 8 o'clock.

I think we'd better call in a doctor.

I called on my uncle while I was in London.

6. case n.

in case in this case

in case of + n./pron in any case

in case --clause in no case = never

e.g. The meeting will be put off in case it rains.

In case he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.

In case of fire, ring the bell.

I don't think I need any money, but I'll bring some in case.

In no case should we give up dreaming about a better future.

7. need n.

[U] 缺乏; 需要

[C] 需要得东西; 必需品

in need of sth.

no need for sth.

e.g. There’s a growing need for new housing in big cities.

She didn’t earn enough money to satisfy all her needs.

We’re collecting money for children in need.

Please come to me if ever you’re in need of help.

There’s no need for you to say sorry to me.

Sentence patterns

1. Cellphones make it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere.

e.g. I think it necessary for her to stay in touch with her parents .

He found it possible for them to improve the working condition.

Our school makes it a rule for us to have an English Corner every Friday.

2. We have a need to stay in touch with friends no matter where we are or what we are doing.

e.g. Nobody believed him no matter what he said.

No matter where he goes, the thief can’t escape being caught.

She always goes swimming no matter how cold it is.

3. She says that her cellphone helps her do whatever she wants to do.

e.g. Whatever you do, wherever you go, I’ll be right here waiting for you.

She always goes swimming, however cold it is.

Homework: 1. WB page 134-135 Vocabulary Ex1,2,3&4

Period Four ( Language study )

Word study

Step I Page 61 Match the words with their meaning

Step II Check the homework on page 134-135.

Step III Reading for meaning ---guessing the words from the clues.

Page 63 Tips Are you a smart reader?


The passive voice (3) --- The Present Continuous Passive Voice

Step I Study the examples

am/ is/ are + being + done

Step II Practice ( page 61 )

Step III Activity

Two students put on a performance of “双簧”.

The door is being pushed open slowly and quietly. A chair is being taken into the room and put at the desk. A piece of paper is being taken out of his pocket. The chair is being cleaned. Now he is sitting down. And some books are being moved to the side of the desk. The schoolbag is being opened, and an English book is being taken out…….

Homework: 1. WB page 136 Grammar 1&2

Period Five ( integrating skills )


Step I Reading

What is the computer Q12 like ?

How does it control human beings?

What other suggestions will you make to solve the problem?

What will the earth be like if Q12 understands love and friendship?

Step II Language points

1 take over 接管

e.g. The company has been taken over by a American firm.

Sarah will take over my job when I leave.

2 break down (机器)不运转;失败;

break up 结束; (关系)破裂

e.g. The car broke down on the motorway.

The peace talks between the two countries have broken down

The meeting broke up after only half an hour.

Their relationship wasn’t working, so they decided to break up.

3 come up with = to think of or suggest an idea 想出办法,提出建议

e.g. He couldn’t come up with an answer.

How have you come up with such a good idea?

4 success in manage to do sth.

sucessful in

succeed in doing sth. fail to do sth.

e.g. We had no success in finding a new flat.

Jane finally succeeded in passing the her driving test.


Step I Study the outline of the letter

Step II Students have a discussion in pairs.

Step III Ask a student to give a sample letter orally.

Homework: 1. write a letter to Q12

Period Six ( WB talking and reading )


WB page 134 Talk about modern technology.

Step I Read the situation

Step II Activity

Ss work in groups

First list the advantages and disadvantages of the inventions of cellphones, robots and computers.

Then Ss have a debate in groups.

Step III Debate

Have 3 debates between groups.

( There are speakers representing each group, and the rest are judges)


WB page 136 Reading Future travel: teleportation

Step I Fast reading and skimming

What does teleportation mean?

Step II Scanning

How is teleportation different from normal transportation?

Why is it so difficult to teleport human beings?

Step III Reading for words

Match the words with the best strategy on page 137.

Step IV Activity

Discussion : Will teleportation be realized?

Think of more impossible things that may be possible in the future.


I. Teaching aims and demands学习目标和要求:


1>Talk about science and technology

2>Describe things and how they work

3>Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology

4>Talk about new inventions


Agreement and disagreement 同意和不同意:

Absolutely. I disagree. / Well, yes, but …

That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m afraid I don’t agree.

That’s a good point. You can’t be serious.

That’s just how I see it. Well, it depends. That’s worth thinking about.

I would have to disagree with that. Well, I’m not so sure about that.


toothpick, agreement, disagreement, disagree, absolutely, depend, press, teenager, throughout, add, latest, calendar, remind, appointment, behaviour, obey, dare, emergency, whatever, dial, according, unexpected, particular, negative, clone, interview, department, electricity, planet, wonder, defeat, force, peaceful, succeed, skip

stay in touch with, call for, in case (of…), according to, take over, break down


The Present Continuous Passive Voice (3) 被动语态:

1>用英语描述事物正受到某种影响或某种处理-使用现在进行时被动语态(is/are being + 过去分词)。例如:

New functions are being added to the phones.

Michael is being interviewed for the job.

Modern cellphones are being used as camera and radios.

2>用英语描述人物正受到某种影响或某种处理-使用现在进行时被动语态(is/are being + 过去分词)。例如:

The new student is being introduced to the class.

Look! The children are being led into the garden.

5.language usage语言运用

运用所学语言,围绕新科技、新技术和新发明这一话题,完成教材和练习册中的听、说、写的任务;阅读课文 “Life on the go” 并联系生活中的实际,书写一篇目短文。

II. Difficult points 难点

III. Main teaching aids教具: A tape-recorder; Multimedia, projector, role cards

Ⅳ. Main teaching methods 教法:

1. The interaction between the teacher and the students, and among the students themselves; Attention to the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing; and so on.

2. Listening-and–answering activity to help the students go through with the 限listening material.

3. Use both individual work and group or pair work to make every student work and think in class

Ⅴ. Periods: 7-8 periods.

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures 教学过程

Period 1


Talk about the teaching plan for this unit and at the same time tell the students the teaching aims and demands. During this period, do WARMING-UP, LISTENING, SPEAKING.


Introduction This activity provides a good opportunity to talk about creativity and to practise problem-solving skills.

Instruction When the students have solved the problems, ask them how they did it and compare different solutions. Ask the students what creativity is and if it is possible to learn how to be creative.


Useful Things Various answers are possible. Encourage the students to think of as many uses as possible. It is not important if the new use is useful in the conventional sense, the emphasis here is on having students explain why / how it will be useful.

Talk box Various combinations are possible. Examples: 1st row left to right: stop, side, soot, stem. 2nd row left to right: coat, code, cram. 3rd row left to right: aide, atom. 4th row left to right: pram, poor. Students can also go right to left and diagonally - the more ways the better. Again, the emphasis is on having students explain their choices and solutions. The activity is not about getting the “right” answer.

True or False Answers: T-F-T. Ask the students how they came up with the answer and encourage them to think of more true or false questions.

Extension Ask the students to come up with more creativity tests.


Introduction The students will hear descriptions of everyday objects and are asked to try to guess what is being described. The exercise will be more useful and interesting if you encourage the students to move beyond the obvious uses of the objects described.

Instruction Tell the students to listen to the tape and try to guess what is being described. Before they listen to the tape, you can ask them to describe an everyday object (or you can bring two or three objects and describe them). When the students have listened to the tape and guessed what's being described, they can work in pairs or groups to discuss how the objects can be used. Encourage the students to think of new uses for the objects in addition to the “normal” uses.

Extension Ask the students to think about other objects that either fit the description or can be used for the same things.


1 These are very simple. Two sticks, about 20 centimetres long. They are usually made of wood. You hold the two sticks in one hand. You put one stick between two of your fingers, and you hold the other one with your thumb. These things can be difficult to use at first, but you will soon learn how to pick up even small pieces of food.

2 This thing is very popular and useful. Almost everyone has one these days. You can see people using this thing on the bus, when they are walking, or at home. It is usually small, about the same size as your hand, and it comes in many colours. There are several buttons on it, some for numbers, others for other things. It can be put in your pocket or in a small bag. With it, you can talk to people far away.

3 This is a large box with a big door. If you open the door, a light comes on and you can see what's inside. You'd better not leave the door open for too long, because it is not good for the things inside. You might catch a cold, too, if you stand in front of the open door. There are several shelves inside, some in the box itself, some in the door. You usually find this large box. in the kitchen.

Answers to Exercise 1:

Object described Possible uses

I Chopsticks Eating, opening a bottle. Students can think of more creative uses.

2 Cellphone Making phone calls, sending pictures, sending e-mails. Students think of more.

3 Refrigerator Keeping food fresh, keeping drinks cool. Students think of more.

Answers to Exercise 2:

Various answers are possible.


Introduction This group discussion is an opportunity for the students to practise their ability to express, support, and challenge an opinion. Jane wants to buy a cellphone, but before she buys one she wants to know what her parents and her friend think. The students will role-play the discussion.

Instruction Divide the students into groups and explain that they are going to prepare a role play and have a discussion. Each group member will play one of the roles and must prepare a role card. If necessary, you can use one of the role cards as an example. Explain the “rules” of the discussion to the students and remind them of the basic classroom rules.

1 Decide who will play which role. The student who plays Jane will be the group leader.

2 Give the group enough time to prepare the role cards.

3 Check that all group members are ready. Before the students begin the discussion, remind them that Jane should open the discussion and that they should take turns introducing themselves and stating their opinion as outlined in 4 and 5.

4 Jane opens the meeting by welcoming everybody. She also explains why they are meeting and asks everyone to help her make her decision.

5 Each group member introduces himself / herself and states his or her opinion and reasons.

6 When all the group members have introduced themselves and stated their opinions and reasons, the students can continue the discussion as they see fit. They can ask questions, give more examples and reasons, explain their opinions, and debate and challenge other views.

7 Remind the students that each group member must try to make the others agree with him or her.

Possible answers:


1 I can use a cellpho_e to call my parents if I am late.

2 I can use a cellphone to call for help.

3 I can use a cellphone to stay in touch with my friends. Jane's best friend

1 we don't really need cellphones.

2 we are not allowed to use cellphones in school.

3 it is better to use the money for something more important.

Jane's mother

1 cellphones are too expensive.

2 Jane should not spend too much time on the phone.

3 Jane is too young to have a cellphone. Jane's father

1 if Jane has a cellphone, I can always find out where she is.

2 a cellphone will help Jane feel safe.

3 Jane can use a cellphone send messages to her friends.

Sample discussion:

JANE: Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Mum, Dad, you know I have told you before that I want to buy a cellphone. I would like to tell you why I want to buy one, and I would like your advice.

DAD: OK, why don't you start and then we will all tell you what we think.

JANE: Thanks, Dad. I think a cellphone is very useful, because I can use it to let you know where I am and when I will be back home. For example, if I have to stay late at school, you might get worried and wonder where I am. If I have a cellphone, I can call you and tell you that I will be late. .

MUM: Well, that's true, but I don't think you should buy a cellphone. In my opinion, a cellphone is too expensive. Besides, if you have a cellphone I think you will spend too much time talking on the phone. You'd better use your time to study instead.

CINDY: I agree with Mrs Collins. Some of the other students in our class have cellphones and they talk on the phone all the time. I don't see how they ever have time for anything else. And it is expensive. One of my classmates said that she spent 110 yuan in one month!

DAD: Jane, I think you are right. I often worry about where you are and I never know when I will be home from work. I remember last year, when you were at the supermarket and I had promised to pick you up. I was late and couldn't find you when I got there. If you have a cellphone I can just call you.

JANE: Thank you for telling me what you think. I will take some time to think about what you have said. Now let's have some fun. How about playing some cards!


1. Preview the reading text

2. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.

3. Get ready to be examined in the speaking activities.

Period 2


1. Ask some pairs to act out the speaking activities.

2. During this period, do some reading.


Introduction The questions are designed to get the students to think about the cellphone as an example of inventions that have changed our way of life.

Instruction Encourage answers and comments that help students think about the way technology affects our life and thinking. The second question will help: students are likely to mention what we do today and compare to what people did in the past. Big inventions would include cars, computers, electricity, etc. The third question will help the students reflect on why some inventions are more popular than others.

Extension Ask the students to think about what “big” inventions have in common. Encourage students to think more about question 3. What are the consequences of “popular” science - will it lead science in the wrong direction?



Introduction The reading discusses the increasing popularity of cellphones in Chinese society. Cellphones are everywhere and have positive and negative effects on our life. Encourage the students to take a critical view of the cellphone culture, or life on the go, and think about how trends and life-styles are related to science and technology. Note that Wang Mei (the girl in the text) says that cellphones are useful and repeats the reasons we encounter in ads and the media - but in the last paragraph we also learn that she (like most people) actually uses the cellphone for other, perhaps less grand purposes. .

Note Life on the go refers to a fast-paced lifestyle where people are always on the go-rushing from one place to another, doing many things at once, and using portable phones, computers, etc.


1 Ask the students to read the rust paragraph quickly to get the main idea of the text.

2 Ask the students to do the following (without reading the text).

A Try to guess what the next paragraph will talk about.

Ask the students what they think and why they think so. Compare different answers.

B Try to guess what the whole text will talk about. Ask the students what they think and why they think so. Compare different answers.

3 Ask the students to use the answers from 2A and 2B to write a simple outline of the text. The students can work in pairs or groups to write the outline.

4 Let the students read the whole text. Ask them to compare their outline with the text and note any differences.


Answers to Exercise 1:

1 The title refers to the high pace of modem life and to the fact that portable devices, like cellphones and laptops, are becoming popular.

2 The text lists a couple of reasons: cellphones can distract students in class, cellphones may make students spend more time talking on the phone than doing homework.

3 The text lists two reasons: safety and the cool factor, i.e. the desire to be like others. Students may add other reasons.

4 Students are of course free to agree or disagree. Make sure that the students give reasons for their opinion.

Questions 2 and 3 can be answered by skimming or scanning. For question 1, students may use the pre-reading discussion and their own thinking. The text does include the phrase life on the go, so additional help is available. Question 4 is perhaps best answered after a pair or group discussion.

2 Sample Outline

1 Wang Mei is an example of Chinese teenagers who have cellphones.

2 Cellphones can be used for many things.

For example: talking to people, sending mes5ages and pictures, .playing games, listening to music, keeping appointments

3 Cellphones also cause problems.

1 In school, cellphones may disturb lessons.

2 At home, students may spend too much time and money on phone calls.

4 There are several reasons why teenagers like cellphones.

1 Cellphones help us stay in touch with friends and family.

2 Cellphones make us feel safer.

3 Cellphones are fun and cool.

5 Wang Mei explains why she likes her cellphone and what she uses it for.

3 Various answers are possible.


1. Read the text fluently.

2. Get LANUAGE STUDY ready.

3. Go on remembering the new words and expressions in this unit.

Period 3


1. Have a dictation of the new words and expressions.




Word study

Answers to the exercise:

1G 2C 3B 4A 5F 6I 7E 8D 9H


The Present Continuous Passive Voice:

To form the present continuous passive voice, use is / are being done, which gives the idea that an action is in progress at the moment.

e.g.: Money is being collected for the broadband project.

A report is being written about the negative effects of 'Cellphones in school.

Answers to Exercise 1:

1 Money for the broadband project is being collected.

2 A report about the negative effects of cellphones in school is being written.

3 A computer center for the students is being built.

4 The test-tube baby is being taken good care of by its parents.

5 Human cloning is being studied by some scientists.

6 The laws to protect the rights of women and children are being revised.

Answers to Exercise 2:

1 How much money a month is being spent on their cellphones?

2 What is being produced by this company?

3 Who is being interviewed for the job?

4 What is being sent to his friend's phone?

5 Whom are some programmes being developed for?


1. Grasp the language points in the reading text.

2. Finish all the exercises in the Student’s Book.

3. Learn to use the Grammar in this unit.

Period 4


1. Check the students on the grammar points.

2. Ask the students to translate some sentences.




Instruction Writing this letter can be difficult as the students will have to struggle with the abstract concepts. Most of them will find it difficult to capture the essence of the abstract terms, but in the process of doing so they will discover useful techniques for conveying their ideas, e.g. giving examples. Acceptable essays should include a rough definition of the two terms (love and friendship), with examples, within the framework of a letter to Q12. Advanced essays should use the definitions / examples to show Q12 that love and friendship are necessary, i.e. advanced essays should use the expository parts to support a persuasive thesis. These are important criteria for assessment. Let the students read the story about Q12 and then write the letter. The students can work individually or in pairs or groups.

Sample writing:

April 3 2374

Dear Q 12,

My name is Xiao Hong and 1 am a middle school student in Dalian. I would like to tell you about two things that 1 think are very important. Please read what 1 have to say, because 1 think it may be helpful to you. 1 want to tell you about love and friendship.

Love is difficult to explain, but 1 will try. Love is a feeling between two people. It is a very happy and warm feeling. When two people love each other, they almost become one person. For example, if a father loves his child, he will feel sad when the child is sad and happy when the childis happy. There are many different kinds of love: you can love your parents or children, you can love your husband or your wife, or you can love someone outside your family.

Friendship is also a kind of love. When two people are friends, they try to understand and help each other. A good friend will be there for you even when you are having a difficult time. Friends do things together and share thoughts, feelings and ideas.

Love and friendship are necessary if we want a happy world. If there is love, people will not do bad things to each other; if we have friends, we won't have to feel lonely or afraid. When people feel lonely and afraid, they often get angry with others and do mean things. If we learn to love and be friends, we can live happily together and solve the problems and difficulties we must face in life.

Your friend,

Xiao Hong

The words “chelyabinsk” and “Irkutsk” may be new to us, but the sentence tells us that they are examples of large Russian cities.


Answers to Checkpoint 9:

A computer centre is being built for the students.

The phones are also being used as cameras and radios. The phones are being used everywhere.




1. Write a clear and beautiful short passage in the Exercise-book.

2. Preview WORKBOOK.

Period 5


1. Have a dictation of some phrases.

2. Say something about the students’ writing.


Instruction Tell the students that they will hear about the International Space Station. Ask the students what they know about it and then let them listen to the tape I and complete the informati0n chart.


The International Space Station

As you are listening to this, the International Space Station is moving around the Earth. The International Space Station is an international project to build a small city in space. Sixteen countries are working together to build a space station where scientists can conduct experiments and learn more about space and the earth. The sixteen international partners are the United States, Russia, Canada, Japan, Brazil, and the European Space Agency. The United States and Russia are leading the effort but every country is making an important contribution to the ISS.

The International Space Station is made up of several parts and will be about the size of two soccer fields when completed. The different parts will be added one by one. Some parts are laboratories, some are for power sources, and others are for people to live in. The parts will be put together in space. When the new parts have been put together, space station astronauts will perform space walks to connect the parts to the station. The space walks are very dangerous and astronauts must be very careful one small mistake could be deadly! A total of 46 flights

will be necessary to connect the more than 100 parts. If all goes well, the station will be completed in a few years.

Note: The Europen space Agency involves 11 countries: France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the UK.

Answers to the exercises:


What is the task of the ISS? It is an international project to build the Internationals Space Station, a small city in space.

How many countries are building the station? 16

How big will the ISS be when finished? About the size of two soccer fields.

How many parts are needed? What will they be used for? More than 100.

Some parts are laboratories, some are for power sources and others are for people to live in.

How is the ISS being built? First, the different parts will be put together in space. Then, the people who work at the space station will take space walks to connect the parts to the station.

How many flights are needed to connect the parts? 46.

When will the project be finished? In a few years.

2 Various answers are possible.


Instruction Help the students prepare the lists of advantages and disadvantages. You can use one of the examples and let the whole class think of advantages and disadvantages and then write them on the blackboard. If necessary, you can also model one or two “turns” in the debate.

Technology Advantages Disadvantages

Cellphones ●Cellphones help us keep in touch withour friends and family.

●Cellphones help us send e-mails.

● Cellphones help us send photographs and messages.

. ● Cellphones help us… ●Using a cellphone is expensive.

●Overusing it may disturb our work.

●Spending too much time making phone calls. . Cellphones ...


●Robots can work in dirty and dangerous places.

●Robots can do boring things that humans do not want to do.

● Robots can work without sleep and food. ●Robots can't think or make decisions.

● People may become unemployed if robots are used instead of humans.

●Robots need electricity.


●Computers help us work faster.

●Computers can help us study and learn.

●Computers can help us solve difficult problems. ●Computers are expensive.

●Computers can't think or make decisions.

●Computers are sometimes difficult to use.

Sample Dialogue:

A: I think that cellphones have many advantages. They help us keep in touch with our friends and family and we can use them to get important information, like news and weather reports.

B: Well, maybe, but there are many disadvantages, too. Cellphones are expensive to buy and use, and people may use them where they shouldn't, like in the classroom. Many people call their friends just for fun and may end spending too much time on the phone.

A: That may be true for some people, but that's not really because of the phones. You could say the same about TV or computers. People shouldn't do too much of anything. Think about all the other advantages. For example, if I'm meeting my Mum at the bus station and she is late, she can call me and let me know so I won't have to worry or get lost. And if I do get lost, or if I'm in danger, I can call for help.

B: ...


1. Get ready to be examined in the talking activities.

2. Preview all the exercises in the workbook.

Period 6


1. Ask some pairs to act out the talking activities.



Answers to the exercises:

1 1 toothpick 2 Teenagers 3 calendar 4 appointment 5 behaviour 6 emergency

7 interview 8 planet

2 1 answer (n) 2 changes (n) 3 defeat (v) 4 touch (n) 5 hand (n) 6 handed (v)

7 change (v) 8 phone (n) 9 forces (v) 10 phoned (v) 11 force (n) 12 answer (v)

13 defeat (n) 14 touch (v)

3 1 C 2C 3B 4A. 5A

4 1 You may do whatever you want to do.

2 I'll teach whoever wants to learn.

3 We can start whenever you're ready.

4 Life won't be easy whichever road you take.

5 He makes friends wherever he goes.

6 It rained throughout the night.

7 In case of rain, they usually go travelling with an umbrella.


Answers to the exercises:

1 done, completed, built, have, collecting, planned, collected, spent, made, being improved, planted, painted

2 National day is coming and People's Park is being prepared for it. Look! By the lake, one boat is being repaired and the other one is being. painted. Beside the boats, the trees are being planted and the flowers are being watered. Not far away, the building is being painted and its roof is being repaired...




Introduction The text states that the concept of transportation has remained the same despite advances in science and technology. However, recent discoveries suggest that we may be able to change the way we view transportation. The text defines and explains teleportation and reports advances. in science that have made teleportation seem possible. The discovery is an example of how something once believed to be science fiction (or impossible) is becoming science (or reality). It is important to note that while the discovery described in the text is significant, the teleportation of human beings does not seem possible.

Extension Encourage the students to think about what a concept is and how it changes - or, in other words, how the way we think about the world interacts with what we know about it. Use the Adventure Travel reading in the student's book as an example of another conceptual change.

Answers to the exercises:

1 1 Teleportation is a combination of sending information through telephones or the Internet and transportation.

2 With normal transportation, a person or thing is moved from point A to point B. With teleportation, a person or thing is taken apart at point A and put together again at point B.,

3 Teleporting a human being would be very difficult since there are so many parts in a human body.

4 Various answers are possible. The text does make it clear that it. is very unlikely that human teleportation will become possible.

2 The students are asked to match each new word with the correct strategy. Ask them to scan the text for the word and then decide which strategy they could use to guess the meaning of the word.


Strategy: Some words are made up of two parts. We can use the meaning of each part to guess the meaning of the word.

The text emphasizes the mix of telephone and transportation and the students can use this to conclude that tele has been added to -portation to make up teleportation, meaning a combination of regular transportation and telecommunication.


Strategy: Some words are explained in the sentence. The explanation is often between commas (,), dashes (-), or brackets ( ).

The explanation is given in brackets in the text (particles that carry light).


Strategy: We can use words we already know to guess the meaning of words that mean the same or that have the opposite meaning.

The students are already familiar with the phrase put together and can use this knowledge to conclude that apart means the opposite of together.

3 1 People used to think it was impossible to use machines to talk to each other, but it has become possible with the invention of the telephone. In the future, we may even be able to use machines to send our thoughts to other people.

2 People used to think it was impossible to make a copy of a living thing, but it has become possible with the invention of cloning. In the future, we may even be able to clone human beings.

3 People used to think that it was impossible to make a machine that could do math, but it has become possible with the invention of the abacus and the computer. In the future, we may even be able to use machines that can think.


Instruction Ask the students to think of inventions that have changed the way we live, e.g. the steam engine, electricity, the telephone, the computer, the Internet etc. What will the next big invention be and how will it change our life? The students are free to come up with their own ideas. Remind the students that they should give the new invention a name, explain (roughly) how it works or what it is, how it will be used (or what it will be used for) and how it will change our life.

Sample writing:

The Thinkuter

I think that the next big thing, the next important invention, will be a computer that can actually think. I don't mean that this computer will be like a human being - it will not be able to come up with its own ideas

but it will be able to help us think. The computers we use today can only do very simple things, like adding and subtracting, or storing and recalling information. The new machine will be able to do things that we do when we think. Since it is a computer that can think, I will call it a thinkuter.

If we have thinkuters, we can do things that used to be impossible. For example, today, with normal computers, only a few very smart people can solve important problems. And even these experts can only solve the problems in the same way. With a thinkuter, we would be able to think in new ways and change the way we understand life, science, and nature. A thinkuter would give us more thinking power and we would be able to do more with our ideas. Everybody has lots of good ideas, even children do, but it is difficult to turn one's ideas into reality. If people had thinkuters, they could use their ideas better - no idea would be wasted.

With thinkuters, we would also need to spend less time in school. We could learn more and faster. School is good for us and we need it, but if we could learn more and faster, we would have more time to do other things that are also important.


1. Finish all the exercises in this UNIT.

2. Finish the supplementary exercises given by the teacher.

Period 7




Period 8





Period 1


1. To make the students creative and thinkable

2. Describe things and how they work.


Step1 presentation

Every day, we see and get in touch with a lot of things. But have you ever made any sense of how these things work and how many ways they can be used in our every life?

Fox example: a piece of chalk

Excellent, now we’ll see what our text wants us to say on page 57.


Step2 speaking

Next I’ll show you something for you to think over to see how many ways you can think of them which are used in our life.

The teacher shows practicalities on the screen using the projector, such as a toothpick, a sock and a plastic bag etc. show the students as many others as you would like.

Ask the students to say as many as they can. And collect those key works from the students on the blackboard.

Step3 talk box

Here on the screen you can see a talk box with some letters in. you are wanted to make as many words as you can by moving the sides of the box. And you can move any side as many steps as you wish.

For example :(to show them the way of moving the sides of the first and last to form the word “stop”.

Suggested answer stop, step, item, door date, room


Step 4 true or false

Show these three questions on the screen or just ask the students to turn to this page to read them.

Ask the students to get their answers by discussing them in pairs or groups of 4…

(1) The word “boat” can be spelled using four of the letters from the word “automobile” (true)

(2) 11 minutes past 5 o’clock, is 48 minutes before 6 o’clock. (False)

(3) If you turn a left-handed glove inside out it will fit on a fight hand. (It depends on what kind of gloves you are having. If it is a thread glove, it is true. It is a leather one, it is false.)

Step5 practice

Speak about the use of the following things. You may find the pictures of these practicalities and show them to the students on the screen.

A. a pencil B. a schoolbag C. an empty bottle D. a computer E. a desk


Read the following passage and answer the question after discussing them in pairs

Disk Doctor

What can you if you lose the data from your disks? To find an expert, who would recover the lost information for you, is the easiest solution. Jack Olson is one of these experts, jack and a few of his friends set up a company called “jack’s disk doctor service” in 1984.They work from home and give all the money they earn to charity. The fees are always the same, no matter how precious the data on the disk is. Some people, however, are so grateful that they send extra money to jack or the charities his company supports. The fees are always the same, no matter how precious the data on the disk is. Some people, however, are so grateful that sent extra money to jack or to the charities his company supports, one oil company offered him $2,000 for his help and an architect even sent him a blank check.

It would be difficult to put a value on the things rescued by the Disk Doctor. There have been disks containing medical research, television scripts, manuscripts of whole books, a lawyer’s papers for a court case and even Margaret Thatcher’s travel plan for a visit to eastern Europe. For this last case, jack had to go in person to Thatcher’s office “for security reasons”.

Disk is usually sent to the disk doctor by post, but some times people are in such a hurry that they can’t wait for the mail to come. For example, some radio scripts had to be rushed by taxi to jack’s house because they were needed for broadcasting the next day. When the material has been recovered, the disk is returned to the sender with a diagnosis and a prescription for avoiding the problem in the future, One grateful client, an author, put a “Thank you” to jack in the front of his book saved me from a heart attack,” he wrote.” but,”says jack “most people don’t take any notice of the doctor’s advice”

1. Why did the architect sent jack a blank check?

A. the architect did not have any money.

B. the architect did it for security reasons

C. the architect always followed the doctor’s advice

D. the architect thought jack’s service was priceless.

2. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. jack’s disk doctor service has only one standard fee.

B. jack and his company have made a fortune for their service.

C. Margaret Thatcher is a very important person.

D. jack’s clients are from all talks of life .

3. From the statement “but …most people don’t take any notice of the doctor’s advice”. We can infer that ____

A. most people don’t take medicine regularly

B. many of jack’s patients would probably get sick again

C. many of jack’s clients have sought for his help more than once

D. most people don’t read the instruction when using a computer

Suggested answer 1.D2.B3.C

Step6 homework

Finish off the exercises in the workbook



To learn the listening and speaking of the text.

To learn how to give advice and make suggestions.


Step1 presentation

Hi class. Yesterday we talked something about everyday little things. Now I’d like you to listen to some descriptions of other little things we use in our everyday life. Listen to them carefully and then tell me they are about.


Step2 listening

Now it’s your turn .think about the objects we use in our every day life. Describe two or three of the objects to your classmate and see if he she can guess what you are describing. Don’t make it too easy to guess. These questions can help you with your descriptions.

Show the students those suggested sentences on the screen. Ask the students to work in pairs.


Step3 speaking

Jane wants to buy a cell phone (mobile phone. Canadians use it mostly.) Please give your advice or suggestions about the idea as the different poles (Jane ,Jane’s best friend, Jane’s mother and Jane’s father ) suggested in the textbook. Ask them to work in groups of four. They check the answers they get for each pole they play.

Show the students the oral English about advice and suggestions in the screen.

You’d better (not ) do…

You should /ought to do ….

You need (to)…

I suggested that…

What /how you ….?

Why not …?

Why don’t you …?

Step4 practice

Work in groups of four. Decide which role each group member should play and then take a few minutes to prepare the role cards. Report your decision to the class when you have finished the decision.

Suggested answer

There are no stable answers. Encourage the students to say as much as possible.

Step5 practice

Talk in groups of 4 about the ideas for gifts for grandfather, then ask two pairs to act out their dialogue in the front.

Gifts for grandfather

Hello. My grandfather in turning 70shortly, having a big party etc. I’d like to give him something special somehow related to his granddaughter (that is me ) who is 16yesrs old .Does any one have any great ideas? Some ideas I have …a garden stone with her hand and foot prints: a pillow with her picture on it …stuff like that. Thanks…

Step6 home work


2. Finish off the exercises in the workbook.



To understand the passage and finish those post-reading questions

To learn the grammer…present continuous passive voice.


Step1 presentation

Hello class, how you keep in touch with your parents or good friends.

Quite good. Telephones make our life so convenient. Mostly you keep in touch with others by phone. Can you imagine the days without telephones now?

Have you ever used a cell phone? Do any of your classmates have cell phones?


Step2 pre-reading

You did quite well now. next I want you have a discussion about the following questions in groups of four.

(1) How is the way we live today different from life in the pas?

(2) How have inventions and new technology changed our way of life .(show them the following words on the blackboard or on the screen to help the students to go on with their discussion if possible.)

Post house postcard, telephone, cell phone, cell phone

(3) why the things like cell phones, computers and TV so popular?

Step3 reading

Read the text as fast as possible, then say ture or false to the follow sentences.

⑴Wang mei will be back home 10 minutes later.

⑵We may talk to any one who also has a cell phone in his pocket.

⑶Now cell phones can be used as cameras, but not to sent email or stuff the internet.

⑷Some important days can be reminded about by the earliest cell phones.

⑸Some students disobey the rules and using their phones in the classroom.

⑹John’s parents gave him a cell phone as a Christmas gift, but don’t let him use it in school.

⑺Wang mei calls her best friends at least once a day.

Suggest answer


Step4 listening

Listen to the text and then answer the following questions.

(1) What does the title “life on the go” mean?

(2) Why do some schools not let students use cell phones? Do you agree?

(3) Why do teenagers like cell phones so much?

(4) wang mei says that cell phones are the most useful invention ever. Do you agree? Which invention do you think is the useful? Why?

Suggested answer:

⑴a busy life.

⑵If a phone starts ringing in the classroom, teachers and students are disturbed and cannot work.

⑶We have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing. Having a cell phones also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency. It is cool and a way to fun, too.

Step5 further reading

Reading the second paragraph of the text and tell us the general meaning of it.

(The factions of the modern cell phones, / cell phones can be used for many things.)

Step6 practice


Look at the outline and fill in the banks. Finally check the answer individually.


(2) Cell phone can be used for many things.

Cell phones male it possible for us to talk to anyone from anywhere words and images are sent throughout the world. The latest cell phones have features such as games, music and electronic calendar that will remind you about appointments and important dates.

(3) Problems

A. In schools: if a phone starts ringing in the classroom, teachers and students are disturbed and cannot work..

B. At home: parents worry that their children will spend too much time and money on phone calls.

(4) Reasons:

A. We have a need t stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing.

B. Having a cell phone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency.

C. The cell phone is not only a useful too but also a way to have fun and be cool.

(5) Wang Mei’s explanation.


step7 think and act

Design you favorite cell phones.

Read the request loudly to the students to make sure what they are wanted to do. Ask the students to work in pair or groups of four. Several minutes later, ask them to show their designs and make some necessary explanations.

Step8 language study

Word study. Match the words and phrases on the left with their meaning on the right.

Step9 grammar

(1) The present continuous passive voice

现在进行时的被动语态: be + being + done,表示某件事情正在被进行之中, 如:

This question is being discussed at the meeting.

The children are being taken care of by the aunt.

(2) Practice

Do the exercise in part 1& 2 on page 61.

Suggested answer


(1)Money is being collected for the broadband project.

⑵A report about the negative effects of cell phones is being written I school.

⑶A computer center is being built for the students

⑷Their test-tube baby is being taken good care of by the parents.

⑸Human cloning is being studied by some scientists.

⑹The laws are being revised to protect the fights of women and children.


⑴How much money is being spent a month on their cell phones?

⑵What is /are being produced by this factory?

⑶Who is being interviewed for the job?

⑷What are being sent to his friend’s phone?

⑸What are being developed for the human resource department of their company?


Step10 discussing questions about the safety of using a cell phone.

(1) What about children using wireless phones?

(2) Do hands-free kits for wireless phones reduce risks from exposure to RF emissions?

(3) Do wireless phone accessories that claim to shield the head from RF radiation work?



Put much stress on the writing after reading the passage.

Ask the students to write a short passage to AXL as the text demands us to do.


Step1 lead in

Have you thought of anything about the future of the earth?

What will the man’s future be like?

What is the most thing that man worries about the developing computers? What is your idea about it?


Step2 read the text quietly and answer the following questions.

(1) Who ruled the earth in the year 2374?

(2) What is the leader of the humans decided to do ?

(3) Do you think that humans and machines can live peacefully together in the future?

Suggested answer

(1) The earth is ruled by a great computer named AXL.

(2) The leader of the humans has decided to do something to stop AXL, bring the machines and people back together, and make the world beautiful again.

Step3 listen to the passage .then try to fill in the following blanks.

But there is ____ hope. The human beings have been able to keep a small, secret school ___ since the machines took_____. In this school, the students still learn____ all the wonders of the world-science art history .culture and they are still allowed to dream about a ___ future. The leader of the humans has decided that it is time to do something to stop AXL, bring the machines and people___ together, and make the world ____ again. A group of experts were asked to solve the problem, but they failed. Now, the leader has asked a group of students to do what they can) ____ save the earth.

Suggested answer still open over about better back beautiful to

Step4 discussion

Discuss the following topic in group of 4first, and then ask someone individually to report what they discussed in class.

(1) How do you think of the love and friends in the world?

Have you ever experienced such love and friendship?

Would you tell us your story?

Step5 writing

Write a letter to AXL on the following points:

Tell AXL who you are and why you are writing this letter

Tell AXL about love and friendship

---Explain how love and friendship will make the world better.

---Give examples of how love and friendship will make the world better.

Step7 home work

Finish off the exercises in the workbook.


Unit 9 Technology

Teaching Aims and Demands

Words and Phrases

item agreement disagreement disagree absolutely depend press throughout add remind appointment behavior obey dare case whatever according unexpected particular negative interview department electricity defeat force succeed break down stay in touch with in case of call for according to take over teenager image latest calendar clone planet wonder peaceful skip

Spoken English:

Agreement and disagreement:


That’s exactly what I was thinking.

That’s a good point.

That’s just how I see it.

That’s worth thinking about.

I disagree. /Well, yes, but …

I’m afraid I don’t agree.

You can’t be serious.

I would have to disagree with that.

I would have to disagree with that.

Well, I am not so sure about that.


The Present Continuous Passive Voice:

1.用英语描述事物正受到某种影响或某种处理――使用现在进行时被动语态(is/are being +过去分词)。例如:

New functions are being added to the phones.

Michael is being interviewed for the job.

Modern cellphones are being used as cameras and radios.

2.用英语描述人物正受到某种影响或某种处理――使用现在进行时被动语态(is /am/are being+过去分词)。例如:

The new student is being introduced to the class.

Look! The children are being led into the garden.

Use of Language:

1. Master the function use of language as defined above.

2. Help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have learned.

Learn the text about technology and finish the related exercises.

Important points: the use of the Present Continuous Passive Voice.

Difficult points: the use of the Present Continuous Passive Voice.

Teaching aids: tape-recorder and computer.

Way of Teaching: Communication way of teaching, discussion and group work.

Lesson 1

Step 1 Warming-Up

Because the first part is designed to arose the students interest about creativity and practice problem solving skills. So ask the students to finish the exercise in the warming-up part.

Step 2 Listening

Listen to the tape and finish the exercise in the listening part.

Extension: Here we may encourage the students to make a guessing game. Encourage the students to supply more examples for guessing.

Step 3 Speaking

Divide the students into groups and make sure that the students know what they are going to do. If it is necessary put cards in front of each students to remind them which is which.

In the meanwhile, list the key sentences they can use to show others their opinion.



That’s exactly what I was thinking.

That’s a good point.

That’s worth thinking about.


I disagree.

I’m afraid I don’t agree.

Well, it depends.

Well, I’m not sure about that.

Step 4 Homework

Ask the students to prepare some information about the development of new technology for the next class.

Lesson 2

Step 1 Introduction

First get the students to mention some important inventions of the world that they prepared last class. And then list the positive and negative effects on our life.

Step 2 Reading


Get the students to read the first paragraph of the text quickly to find the main idea of it.

The main idea is: it discusses the increasing popularity of cellphone in Chinese society. Cellphones are everywhere and have positive and negative effects on our life.


The students read the text more carefully. Then answer the following questions 1-4 in the Post-reading part.

Step 4 Post-reading

Ask the students to find the outline of the text --- that is how the text is organized, if it is necessary, explain the language points in the text. Finish the exercise 2 as well.

Step 5 Homework

1). Finish exercise 3 on page 60. the students may use the questions below it as a guide.

2). Translate the sentences in exercise 4 on page 135.

Lesson 3

Step 1 Revision

Ask several students to report their design of the new cellphone.

Step 2 Word-study

Finish the exercise in the word study part.

Finish the exercises 1 and 2 on page 134 as well.

Step 3 Grammar

First ask the students to list the sentences containing the use of Present Continuous Passive Voice.

1.Words and images are being sent throughout the world.

2. … They are being used as cameras and radios, …

3.New functions are being added to the phones.

4.They are being used everywhere – sometimes where they shouldn’t.

Then get the students to find the formation of the Present Continuous Passive Voice: be + being + pp.

Step 4 Consolidation

Finish the exercises on page 61.

Step 5 Homework

Finish the exercise about grammar on page 136.

Lesson 4

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework.

Step 2 Reading

Ask the students to read the text to find the main idea of the text: the world is ruled by the machines now and people lost happiness. Love and friendship do not exist any longer. There is only one hope --- that is you. Write a letter to the ruler Q12 to try manage to persuade it give up it inhuman ruling.

Step 3 Writing

Thinking that it is a little difficult for the students to write on such an abstract topic, we can first show them a letter as an example and try to analysis the way to write a good article. Here we may use the tips on page63 as aguide.

Step 4 Homework

Revise the text in this unit.



















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